Jacobs v. State of New Hampshire, Doc. No. 217-2012-CV-009 (Merrimack Super. Ct., January 20, 2012) (McNamara, J.)

Pages: 1 2


The State of New Hampshire


Lisa Jacobs


State of New Hampshire, Administration of the Courts and Supreme Court of
the Ste of New Hampshire

NO. 217-2012-CV-00009


The Motions to Quash filed by the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Supreme Court of the State of New Hampshire (the "State") dated January 13, 2012, and January 20, 2012 are GRANTED for the reasons stated therein. The Petitioner Lisa Jacob's Motion for Photographing, Recording, Live Streaming and Broadcasting is GRANTED pursuant to Rule 78 of the Superior Court Rules. The Motions for Reconsideration of Denial of Additional Time for Hearing both filed on January 19, 2012 are DENIED, pursuant to Superior Court Rule 59-A. Based upon the Court's review of the pleadings on file, it does not appear that more than 30 minutes of oral argument will be necessary.

The Motion to Quash Subpoena to Anne Edwards is GRANTED for the reasons stated in the State's Motion. The Motion for Recusal and Withdrawal of Anne Edwards, Esq. is DENIED for the reasons stated in the Objection to the Motion. The Motion to Quash the Subpoena to Secretary of State William Gardner is GRANTED for the reasons stated in the State's Motion.

All other Motions will be decided after oral argument.


   1/20/12       /s/   

DATE Richard B. McNamara,

Presiding Justice
