1977 HB874 Legislative History

Versions of HB874:

House Index

[HJ 1590] HB 874 Repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law. (Splaine of Rock. 19 et al)
261, psd (RD) 498-499, 508 (Died in S com)

Senate Index

[SJ 3612] HB 874 Repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law
1683 (Died)

From 1977 House and Senate Journals (v3, v4)

Tuesday, April 5, 1977

[HJ 261] Rep. Cummings offered the following:

RESOLVED, that in accordance with the list in the posession of the clerk, House Bills numbered 874 through 892 and House Bill of Intent 2025 shall be by this resolution read a first and second time by the therein listed titles, laid on the table for printing and referred to the therein designated committees.



First, second reading and referral

HB 874, repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law. (Splaine of Rockingham Dist. 19; Burchell of Strafford Dist. 12; Dunfrey of Rockingham Dist. 12 -To Constitutional Revision.)

Tuesday, May 3, 1977


(Regular Calendar)

[HJ 498] HB 874, repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law. Inexpedient to Legislate. Rep. Watson for Constitutional Revision.

The law as presently written safeguards a person's records in the department so that only the person or his legal representative can have access to it.
Any record concerning a person in the department is presently available to him as the law is written.

Rep. Morrison moved that the words, Ought to Pass be substituted for the committee report, Inexpedient to Legislate, and spoke her motion.

Reps. George Wiggins, Slack and Matson spoke against the motion.

Reps. Foley, Spirou and Marshall French spoke in favor of the motion.

Rep. Close requested a roll call.

Sufficiently seconded.

(Speaker presiding)

YEAS 194 NAYS 110

YEAS 194

BELKNAP: Ambrose, Bowler, Gary Dionne, Marshall French, Goyette, Michael Hanson, Morin, James Murray, Nighswander and Sanders.

CARROLL: Roderick Allen, Claflin, Dickinson, Found and Kenneth MacDonald,

CHESHIRE: Close, Dostilio, Daniel Eaton, Irvin Gordon, Hogan, Parker, Proctor, Russell, Scranton, Terry, Vrakatitsis and Terry Wiggin.

COOS: Cooney, Bradley Haynes, Keough, George Lemire, Oleson, Patenaude, Poulin, Theriault, Wiswell and Neila Woodward.

GRAFTON: Chambers, Clark, Copenhaver, Cornelius, Crory, Dearborn, Duhaime, Gemmill, Neil Mclver, Stomberg, Taffe, Taylor, Ward and Michael Woodard.

HILLSBOROUGH: Ahern, Ainley, Alter, Albert Bellemore, Bernier, Wilfrid Boisvert, Bosse, Brack, Bridges, Brody, Carswell, Mark Connolly, Corser, Joseph Cote, Coughlin, Coutermarsh, Crotty, Cullity, Currier, Catherine-Ann Day, Arline Dion, L. Penny Dion, Joseph Eaton, Gabrielle Gagnon, Gelinas, Girolimon, Cort Hansen, Head, Thomas Hynes, Kaklamanos, Keefe, Lachance, LaPlante, Lyons, Martin, McDonough, McGlynn, Morgan, Morrison, Fred Murray, Kerry O'Connor, O'Neil, Pappas, Plomaritis, Podles, Simard, Edward Smith, Leonard Smith, Soucy, Spirou, St. George, Stylianos, Francis Sullivan, Van Loan, Welch, Robert Wheeler, M. Arnold Wight, Cecelia Winn and John Winn.

MERRIMACK: Bellerose, Blakeney, Bodi, Carroll, Eugene Daniell, Foley, Hess, LaBonte, Donna MacIvor, McLane, McNichol, Mullin, Pelton, Arthur Perkins, Pratt, Ralph, Shepard, Gerald Smith, Stefanides, Trachy, Ernest Valliere and Wiviott.

[HJ 499] ROCKINGHAM: Akerman, Blanchette, William Boucher, Carpenito, Collins, Dunfey, Flanagan, Ganley, Gaskill, Gould, Greene, Grieco, Hartford, Hoar, Kane, Kashulines, Krasker, Laycock, Lovejoy, Joseph MacDonald, Maynard, Donna McEachern, Niebling, Norton, Parolise, Parr, Pucci, Quimby, Anthony Randall, Richards, Rossley, Schwaner, Splaine, Stimmell, Vlack and Zabarsky.

STRAFFORD: Appleby, Belhumeur, Burchell, Canney, Donnelly, Bruce French, Charles Grassie, James Herchek, Joos, Kelly, Kincaid, Maglaras, Morrissette, Nadeau, Rod O'Connor, Schreiber, Donald Smith, Torrey, Tripp, Valley, Voll and Shirley White.

SULLIVAN: Frizzell, Lucas, Sara Townsend and Tucker.

NAYS 110

BELKNAP: Beard, Lawton, Mansfield, Marsh, Kenneth Randall and Sabbow.

CARROLL: Raymond Conley and Kenneth Smith.

CHESHIRE: Callahan, Anne Gordon, Elmer Johnson, Matson, Moore, Slack and Whipple.

COOS: Burns, Horton, Huggins, Hunt, Mabel Richardson, Alcide Valliere and York.

GRAFTON: Aldrich, Ira Allen, Buckman, Logan, Mann, McAvoy, Pepitone, Rounds, Snell and Madeline Townsend.

HILLSBOROUGH: Arnold, Aubut, Bednar, Belanger, Burke, Margaret Cote, William Desmarais, Drewniak, Clyde Eaton, Nancy Gagnon, Sal Grasso, Heald, Daniel Healy, George Healy, Karnis, Knight, Levesque, Madigan, Timothy O'Connor, Paradis, Pelletier, Arnold Perkins, Polak, Record, Henry Richardson, Seamans, Sing, Kevin Sullivan, Wallace, Geraldine Watson, Emma Wheeler and Ziakas.

MERRIMACK: Laurent Boucher, John Cate, Chandler, Richard Hanson, James Humphrey, Polly Johnson, Packard, Doris Riley, Stockman, Doris Thompson and Waters.

ROCKINGHAM: Barka, Benton, Bisbee, Campbell, Cunningham, Davis, Robert Day, Erler, Felch, Beverly Gage, King, Nelson, Rogers, Scamman, Skinner, Stratton, Tavitian, Webster, Helen Wilson and Wolfsen.

STRAFFORD: Hebert, Horrigan, Lefavour, Maloomian, Meader and Osgood.

SULLIVAN: Barrus, Brodeur, D'Amante, Gray, LeBrun, Lewko, Scott, Spaulding and George Wiggins, and the motion was adopted.

Ordered to third reading.

Rep. Marcoux wished to be recorded in favor of HB 874.

[HJ 508] Rep. Marshall French moved that the House now adjourn from the early session, that the business of the late session be in order at the present time, that the reading of the bills be by title only and resolutions by caption only and that all bills ordered to third reading be read a third time by this resolution, and that all titles of bills be the same as adopted, and that they be passed at the present time, and when the House adjourns today it be to meet Wednesday, May 4 at 8:30 a.m.

Rep. Wilfrid Boisvert offered an amendment to the motion that HB 1003, relative to union school district in Nashua, be deleted from the third reading motion, and spoke to his amendment.

Rep. Wallin spoke against the amendment.

Amendment lost.

Rep. Marshall French offered an amendment to his motion that the House meet at 9:30 a.m., and spoke to his amendment.

Rep. Spirou spoke in favor of the amendment.

Amendment adopted.

Motion adopted.


Third reading and final passage

[HJ 509] HB 874, repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law.

Wednesday, May 25, 1977



Senator Brown moved the following resolution:

Resolved, that in accordance with the list in the possession of the Clerk, House Bills, 674, ..., 874 shall be by this resolution read a first and second time by the therein listed titles, laid on the table for printing and referred to the therein designated committees.


First and Second Reading and Referral

[SJ 1683] HB 874, repealing the law that exempts the department of employment security from the right to know law. To Administrative Affairs.