1957 SB9 Amendment Proposed by Sponsor

(SUGGESTED AMENDMENTS TO SENATE BILL NO. 9. By its sponsor, Senator Bennett, Dist. No. 5)

Amend section 1 to reas as follows: 1 Public Records. All public records except those records which, by present statute, or federal grand-aid- requirements, shall at all times be open for a personal inspection of any citizen of the State of New Hampshire and those in custody of such records shall not refuse this prvilege to any citizen.

Amend section 2 by adding the following: ...."provided: that confidential correspondence, medical data and minutes, books, papers, records which, when made public, would adversely affect the public security, the financial interests of the State or its political sub-divisions, or injure the reputation or character of any person shall not be deemed as public records within the meaning of section 1.

Amend section 10 by striking out the entire section entitled Nullity and substituting the following: Section 10: Appeals. Any person or persons who are denied access to records or minutes of meetings which, in their opinion, should be available for public scrutiny within the meaning of this statute may appeal the decision of any board, commission, authority of the State of its political sub- divisions in writing to the Attorney General who, within thrity days from receipt of such appeal, is directed to investigate such complaint. If, in the opinion of the Attorney General, denial to access of records or minutes of meetings is in violation of this statute, he shall convey his opinion in writing to the person or persons responsible for withholding such records or minutes.